

I have decided that humidity is my enemy.  Yes, you heard that right.  I have chosen a form of weather as my enemy.   I live just outside of Washington, D.C.  Our nation’s capital is a swamp.  I am not referring to the political client or politicians though that could be a discussion for another time.  I am referring to the

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Your initial response may be sure. I have a vegetable garden and weed it regularly, or I have this lovely windowsill garden of herbs that make my dinner fare taste yummy. Or you may be thinking of your lovely flower border that you tend with care. However, I am not asking about anything associated with soil and water. I am

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How many of you still organize your year around the school calendar? If you were a good student, the end of August was a time of excitement, and a time to gear up for a new year. You looked forward to seeing your schoolmates and telling all the summer tales of adventure. If you were a not-so-good student, your anxiety

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I do not know your stance on Global Warming, but I sure know my stance on the weather for this summer of 2024:  hot, hot, hot.   The east coast has been hot and dry with some weird rains that are barely keeping the plants alive.  I have already told you about the rain drops falling three feet apart.  A few

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Many of you have aging parents and are in that space in life where you are launching your children and losing your parents. Perhaps you have looked to your parents for wisdom or support and are now realizing that soon they will be gone. You will be the generation expected to provide wisdom and support. This is an interesting transition

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This is truly a part of nature that we take for granted.  The Summer of 2024 on the East Coast has been parched and we are all looking for rain clouds.  One day we got the weirdest rain I have ever seen.  The songs about running between the raindrops would have been perfect for this one.  I work where I

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When I read this, I was surprised. I had never given it a thought. I know my body has a lot of them, but I was never particularly interested in counting them. Anatomy is not my strength. I am interested in keeping my bones strong. I know this is particularly important for women, so I get one of those scans

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How often do you get frustrated with someone else? How does that frustration show in your relationship with the other?   Working in a group can sometimes be particularly problematic and frustrating. When each person is vested in their idea and plan, the tension can increase, and the frustration can lead to conflict or hard feelings. You have probably been there

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Here in the Washington, DC area, we are experiencing a heat wave.  Even the electrical grid is complaining about rolling brownouts to keep the entire grid from exploding or imploding.  What would a grid do?  Now I know why the colonials died so young.  The weather can be brutal, and sap energy from your body, so your electrical grid gives

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I remember summers on the porch, and invariably, the pitcher of iced tea would come out.  In the heat of the summer, nothing tasted better.  The tea was Lipton, of course, and it had been steeped for exactly 3 minutes and then poured into the big pitcher filled with ice.  There were no tea bags.  Those came along later.  So,

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Dr. Vanderhorst

Dr. Gloria K. Vanderhorst

My work with others has taught me that change is possible at any age. In my early work with children, I learned that our brains are creative as well as vast store houses of early experiences.