

This may be a rather odd title, but the story bears telling. When our daughter was 3 or 4 years old, we went to a large indoor crafts fair at the Fair Grounds. The space was huge and filled with booth after booth of wonderful handmade things. As a small child, she was mesmerized and, of course, found numerous things

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Grief and Hope

How do these two experiences go together? I live outside of Washington, D.C., and  I have flown in and out of the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport numerous times.  The parking is horrible, but I never once worried about the flight, departure, or landing.  In fact, I absolutely love watching the approach over the water out of the little window

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Do you remember daydreaming? Sitting in the cool shade or whizzing round the block on your bicycle? Dreaming of catapulting off to the places you had seen on TV or read about in books. The call of adventure was real, present, and just slightly beyond your reach. Yet, you knew that someday, somehow that expectation would become real. As you

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A man and woman fall in love.  Sometimes the experience is a magical sense of love at first sight.  Something in the brain of each person recognizes the other in a way that makes an immediate connection.  Sometimes the experience is a building of friendship over time that bursts into a deep loving connection.  Sometimes the connection is arranged and

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This is a marvelous word.  Take a moment and pronounce it aloud.   You must push air out of your mouth to create the sound.  Think about that.  Here is a word with real potential and as you say it you are pushing air out between your lips.  The air just explodes!  Is not that what you want when you are

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etc. &c,

Are you familiar with these abbreviations?  I am sure the first one is very familiar, and the second means the same.  The second is just an older version.  Etc. stands for et cetera, which means “and other similar things”.  We use this abbreviation to indicate that the list we are making has other members, and they are too numerous to

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As the New Year approaches, everyone begins to review the past year and make resolutions for the coming one. Hopefully, a connection exists between what you have experienced over the past year and what you hope to experience moving forward. Connecting these two is essential. The categories are standard: Family, Health, Friends, Work, Country, Faith. Perhaps you add one or

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Walking at Night

This essay will be a divergence from previous ones as this is a rant and not an essay. So, stop reading here if you wish. It is dark and it is about 10 pm. We are leaving our daughter’s home to go home to our place. The roads are narrow, with parking on both sides, so meeting a car requires

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Why Are Boys More Aggressive Than Girls?

We all know that boys seem to be more rough and tumble than girls and that girls are more verbal and playfully expressive. Boys like to use their bodies while girls like to use their words. This has characterized the difference between girls and boys since the beginning of time. But why? Is the difference in one single gene, or

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Did you know that you have a storage locker? Storage lockers are generally places where we keep the “junk and stuff” about our life and existence. You know this place. Some of you have paid for a storage locker. The human loves to collect and save, and businesses like Self Storage or Extra Space Storage or literally hundreds more across

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Dr. Vanderhorst

Dr. Gloria K. Vanderhorst

My work with others has taught me that change is possible at any age. In my early work with children, I learned that our brains are creative as well as vast store houses of early experiences.